Brunella Franco

Brunella Franco

Cell Biology and Disease Mechanisms

Cilia dysfunction and rare diseases




I joined TIGEM in 1994 and I scientifically grew within TIGEM. I started my career as a human geneticist and while I was originally involved in the identification of disease genes, I then shifted my scientific interest toward more functional studies. I want to understand how and why a disease affects specific individuals and tissues and possibly offer solutions. I also enjoy in witnessing and mentoring the flourishing of young researchers around me and TIGEM is the ideal place in terms of opportunities and research environment.

Additional Funding
  • AIRC - The primary cilium as a therapeutic target in bile duct cancer (2023-2024)
  • Modulazione dei miR181a/b come approccio terapeutico a malattie neurodegenerative associate a disfunzione mitocondriale (2021-2022), Banca d'Italia
  • Therapeutic efficacy of miR-181a/b down regulation in Leigh syndrome (2020-2021), United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation